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Introductory Information

Height: 174cm/5’8
Weight: 65kg/143lb
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Green
Ethnicity: White
Age Range: 17-27
Date of Birth: 03/15/2002

Contact Information

Email: ruben.fitzgerald.giuliani@gmail.com

Cell Phone: +39 333-604-6912

He is living in Perugia, Italy


Hello! I love to perform, tell stories, and connect with people.

Born in 2002 in Cambridge, U.K., to an American mother of Irish descent and a half Italian, half Spanish father, I spent my first five years in Cambridge before moving to Perugia, Italy when I was five. I learned at a Montessori elementary school school there and when I was eleven moved back to Cambridge. In high school I focused on scientific studies, while playing cricket and tennis and acting in plays and dancing with dance groups, while pursuing film making projects that I posted on YouTube. Subsequently, in 2021, I was accepted to Yale University, where I entertained audiences by acting in plays and doing lighting design, and took courses in Theater, English Literature, Music and Philosophy. After two years at Yale I trained in movement theater for a year at École Jacques Lecoq.

Curriculum Vitae


Name of PlayDate of ProductionRole(s)Production CompanyDirector(s)
La Maison de RetraiteJune 2024Residents/Aide Soignants/StagiaireEnquête at École Jacques LecoqCreated by the ensemble
BakkhaiApril 2023TeiresiasYale College ArtsTomás Fuchs-Lynch
CoriolanusMarch 2023Junius Brutus/Young Marcius/EnsembleYale College ArtsLeo Egger
The Wheel DealDecember 2022Gary/VariousChekov’s Gum and Yale College ArtsLil Wenker and David DeRuiter
The Government InspectorOctober 2022Superintendent of Schools/StorekeeperYale DramatLeo Egger
The TempestJuly 2022 ProsperoLAMDASky Hallam
A New BrainMarch 2022Dr. Jafar Berensteiner/EnsembleYale College ArtsIan Berlin
CabaretNovember 2021Hans/Border Control Officer/MaxYale DramatDr. Lynda Paul
Education, Education, EducationMarch 2020TobiasThe Perse School Sixth Form PlayGeorge Smith


Name of ProductionDate of ProductionRole(s)Production Company/CompaniesDirector(s)
Le JeuApril 2023Leo (lead)Yale Senior Thesis Short FilmLuis Gonzalez
OrangeOctober 2017Boy/Orange Submission for  “Film Riot” One Minute Short Film CompetitionRuben Giuliani

Education and Training

Time PeriodName(s) of Course(s)InstructorsInstitution and LocationLocation
2023-2024Professional Course, First YearPaola Rizza, Anne Astolfe, François Lecomte, Yasuyo Mochizuki, Jos HoubenÉcole Internationale de Théâtre Jacques LecoqAvignon, France
2022Shakespeare Summer SchoolGurkiran Kaur, Karen Tomlin, Adi Gortler, Skye HallamLondon Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, (LAMDA)London, U.K.
2021-2023Performance Concepts, Intermediate Acting, Voice Lessons, Collaboration, and courses in English Literature and Poetry Writing, Music, Mathematics, and PhilosophyFrancesca McKenzie, Joan MacIntosh, Sergio Martínez, Emily CoatesYale College at Yale UniversityNew Haven, CT, U.S.A.
2017-2020GCSEs, Pre-Us in Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry, and Extracurricular TheaterMatthew Hawksworth, George SmithThe Perse SchoolCambridge, U.K.

Other Skills and Information

Reads Sheet Music, Juggling with 3 Balls, Native Speaker of English and Italian, Elementary Proficiency in French, U.S. Passport, Italian National Identity Card, Residency Permit in U.K.